Programme Speakers confirmed unless otherwise stated |
Tuesday 9 September 2008
08.15-09.15 | Registration and coffee |  |
09.15-09.45 | Welcome |
| Jörgen Holmquist Director General for "Internal Market and Services" European Commission |
Antonio Borges Chairman European Corporate Governance Institute |  |
Session 1 – Keynote speech
09.45-10.15 | Keynote speaker Charlie McCreevy European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services Q&A | |
10.15-10.45 | Coffee |
Session 2 – Finance The financial system has periodically undergone crises and the current 'credit crunch' has reopened the debate on the link between financial stability and the governance of financial institutions. This session will review our knowledge of the role of corporate governance in financial systems and re-examine it in the light of current developments. What are the governance elements that make financial institutions inherently unstable? Have corporate governance failures been a contributory cause of the current difficulties?
10.45-12.30 | Moderator Professor Colin Mayer Peter Moores Dean and Professor of Management Studies Said Business School, University of Oxford ECGI Fellow
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| Panel |  |
Professor Charles Calomiris Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
Professor Ross Levine James and Merryl Tisch Professor of Economics and Director, William R. Rhodes Center for International Economics Brown University |  |
Professor Paolo Volpin Associate Professor of Finance, Institute of Finance and Accounting London Business School ECGI Research Associate |  |
12.30-13.45 | Lunch |
Session 3 – Law The Financial Services sector is one of the most regulated industries in the world. This session will give an overview of the rules governing institutions and their gatekeepers. It will also review the policy responses to the current crisis. Why has regulation been insufficient to prevent the current crisis? Is new regulation required or do the current rules need better application? |
13.45-15.15 | Moderator Professor Ronald Gilson Marc & Eva Stern Professor of Law and Business, Columbia Law School Charles J. Meyers Professor of Law and Business, Stanford Law School ECGI Fellow | |
Briefing Professor Gérard Hertig Professor of Law and Economics Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ECGI Research Associate | |
Panel | |
Professor Allen Ferrell Harvey Greenfield Professor of Securities Law Harvard Law School ECGI Research Associate |
Professor Geoffrey Miller Stuyvesant P. Comfort Professor of Law NYU School of Law |  |
Session 4 –Keynote speech
15.15-16.00 | Keynote speaker Commissioner Kathleen L. Casey Securities and Exchange Commission Q&A |  |
16.00-16.30 | Coffee |
Session 5 – Policy Forum Responses to previous financial crises have often been unilateral and have led to regulatory inconsistencies and tensions between Europe and the United States. Is a common approach now desirable or achievable? This session will examine the regulatory responses that are, or should be, on the table.
16.30-18.00 | Moderator Lisa Rabbe Managing Director, Government Affairs Department Goldman Sachs International
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| Panel | |
Jos Streppel Member of the Executive and Management Board and Chief Financial Officer AEGON N.V. |
Ethiopis Tafara Director of the Office of International Affairs United States Securities and Exchange Commission |  |
David Wright Deputy Director-General for the Internal Market and Services (DG MARKT) European Commission
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Eddy Wymeersch Chairman Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) ECGI Fellow |  |
Session 6 – Summing up
18.00-18.15 | Professor Marco Becht Professor of Finance and Economics, Université Libre de Bruxelles; ECGI Executive Director Professor Ronald Gilson Marc & Eva Stern Professor of Law and Business, Columbia Law School Charles J. Meyers Professor of Law and Business, Stanford Law School ECGI Fellow |  |