Artigos e Estudos sobre Corporate Governance

Women on Boards: The Superheroes of Tomorrow?


Can female directors help save economies and the firms on whose boards they sit? Policy makers seem to think so. Numerous countries have implemented boardroom gender policies because of business case arguments. While women may be the key to healthy economies, I argue that more research needs to be done to understand the benefits of board diversity. The literature faces three main challenges: data limitations, selection and causal inference. Recognizing and dealing with these challenges is important for developing informed research and policy. Negative stereotypes may be one reason women are underrepresented in management. It is not clear that promoting them on the basis of positive stereotypes does them, or society, a service.

Renée Adams University of New South Wales and ECGI, Março 2016

ECGI Working Paper:

pdf Women on Boards: The Superheroes of Tomorrow?

Instituto Português de Corporate Governance

Associação de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos


Instituto Português de Corporate Governance



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