O IPCG - Instituto Português de Corporate Governance realizou no passado dia 29 de junho de 2020, pelas 18h00, o webinar “CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND THE “COVID ERA! – ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES", tendo como oradores:
- Beatriz Araujo, Partner, Head of Governance Group, Baker and Mckenzie;
- Ludo Van der Heyden, Emeritus Professor of Corporate Governance at INSEAD and founder of the INSEAD Corporate Governance Center;
- Nelson Silva, Board Member e Senior Advisor de várias empresas na área de energia, mineração e transporte.
A moderação esteve a cargo de Pedro Rebelo de Sousa, Presidente do Conselho Geral do IPCG.
Sobre o tema em causa, os especialistas apresentam algumas referências que disponibilizam a todos:
- Beatriz Araujo, Partner, Head of Governance Group, Baker and Mckenzie:
World Economic Forum (março 2019), “The Modern Dilemma Balancing Short- and Long-Term Business Pressures”
Baker McKenzie (2020), Trust Continuum series, “Sustainability and performance: Two sides of the same coin”
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (maio 2020), Supporting the board's understanding of ESG to protect and preserve long-term value, disponível aqui.
- Ludo Van der Heyden, Emeritus Professor of Corporate Governance at INSEAD and founder of the INSEAD Corporate Governance Center:
Nathanial, Peter e Van der Heyden, Ludo (março 2020), “Crisis Management: Framework and Principles with Applications to CoVid-19”, INSEAD