Conferência “Modern Capitalism & Corporate Purpose” Summary Report (2024)
Em setembro de 2023, a ECGI - European Corporate Governance Institute e a Copenhagen Business School coorganizaram a conferência "Modern Capitalism & Corporate Purpose”.
Neste evento, que reuniu os principais académicos e líderes empresariais internacionais, o Instituto Português de Corporate Governance (IPCG), como membro da ECGI, marcou a sua presença, sendo representado pela Professora Doutora Mariana Fontes da Costa.
A presença do IPCG revela o seu compromisso em participar e contribuir nos debates fundamentais sobre “corporate governance”.
Transcrevemos algumas das conclusões proferidas pelo Prof. Colin Mayer (University of Oxford - Said Business School; Centre for Economic Policy Research; European Corporate Governance Institute):
- Purpose needs to be clear and well understood throughout the organisation.
It has to be focused; companies must be focused and ensure that the employees are engaged.
The role of owners can be critical to determine purpose, especially if they are active owners with significant stakes in the company.
Institutional investors have a critical role in monitoring and engaging with companies to evaluate if companies are fulfilling their purpose.
The law may be better positioned to address negative externalities.
Companies should report on purpose without waiting for perfect solutions.
Metrics relating to social factors should be company specific, relating to the company’s individual sector and circumstances — with scope for flexibility.
However, climate and environmental reporting should be more objective and absolute in scope. There needs to be a more elaborate system of measurement in this domain.
Consulte aqui o relatório da conferência que inclui discussões, visões e destaques.
Assista às apresentações da conferência aqui.