International Workshop Corporate Governance Discoveries and Innovations
Organizado pelo Instituto Jurídico da Universidade de Coimbra com o apoio do IPCG - Instituto Português de Corporate Governance e ADSR - Associação Direito das Sociedades em Revista, o International Workshop Corporate Governance Discoveries and Innovations, coordenado por Rui Dias (IJ/FDUC) e por Sergio Alberto GRAMITTO RICCI (University of Missouri-Kansas City & Brooklyn Law School, USA), terá lugar no Colégio da Trindade, a 8 de julho de 2024.
A participação é gratuita, mas sujeita a inscrição e à lotação da sala; os sócios do IPCG ou da ADSR, bem como os estudantes de doutoramento da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, têm prioridade na inscrição.
Inscrição aqui.
ProgramaRegistration and welcome coffee 10h 1st Session, 10h30 Jurisdiction, Extraterritoriality, and Governance By Rui DIAS Comment by Jill FISCH Laborism and the Euthanasia of the Rentier By Robert C. HOCKETT Comment by Steve KOURABAS The Shareholder Democracy Failure By Christina SAUTTER Comment by Yaron NILI ESG and Insider Trading: Legal and Practical Considerations By Joan HEMINWAY Comment by Christina SAUTTER Lunch break 2nd Session, 14h30 The Anomalous Role of Public Pension Funds By Jill FISCH Comment by Sergio Alberto GRAMITTO RICCI The Origins and Evolution of Corporate Accountability By Steve KOURABAS and Nick SINANIS Comment by Robert C. HOCKETT The Case of the Missing Boilerplate By Yaron NILI Comment by Joan HEMINWAY Total Governance By Sergio Alberto GRAMITTO RICCI Comment by Nick SINANIS Coffee break ROUNDTABLE: Discoveries and Innovations in Boardroom Practice Moderated by Rui DIAS With: João MOREIRA RATO Ana Maria FERNANDES António GOMES MOTA Marta ALMEIDA AFONSO Wrap-up by Sergio Alberto GRAMITTO RICCI |
Oradores/as (por ordem alfabética):Rui DIAS, Professor of Law, University of Coimbra (Portugal) Jill FISCH, Saul A. Fox Distinguished Professor of Business Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School & Co-Director of the Institute for Law & Economics in the Department of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (USA) Sergio Alberto GRAMITTO RICCI, Associate Professor of Law, University of Missouri-Kansas City & Visiting Associate Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School (USA) Joan HEMINWAY, Rick Rose Distinguished Professor of Law at The University of Tennessee College of Law (USA) Robert C. HOCKETT, Edward Cornell Professor of Law, Cornell Law School (USA) Steve KOURABAS, Senior Lecturer at Monash University & Deputy Director, Centre for Commercial Law and Regulatory Studies (Australia) Yaron NILI, Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin Law School (USA) Christina SAUTTER, Professor of Law at Southern Methodist University (SMU) Dedman School of Law (USA) Nick SINANIS, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Monash University (Australia) *** Marta ALMEIDA AFONSO, General Counsel and Company Secretary (REN) Ana Maria FERNANDES, Non Executive Director (Banco CTT) António GOMES MOTA, Full Professor (ISCTE Business School), Chairman of the Board (EDP Renováveis) João MOREIRA RATO, President of IPCG (Portuguese Corporate Governance Institute), Board Member; Senior Advisor (Morgan Stanley); Visiting Professor (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) |