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  • IPCG - Instituto Português de Corporate Governance
  • IPCG - Instituto Português de Corporate Governance
  • IPCG - Instituto Português de Corporate Governance

8th European Corporate Governance Conference

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8th European Corporate Governance Conference
Save the dates - 2-3 December 2009 in Stockholm

On 3 December 2009, with a reception in the evening of 2 December, the Swedish Corporate Governance Board will, in co-operation with the European Corporate Governance Institute, arrange the 8th European Corporate Governance Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The conference, organised in conjunction with the Swedish EU Presidency, will focus on three main topics:

  • The Future of Corporate Governance Regulation in the EU?
    The European Commission has commissioned a study on monitoring and enforcement of mechanisms in corporate governance in the Member States. The main findings of this study will be presented in public for the first time at the conference, and their implications for the scope and forms of future corporate governance regulation in the European Union will be assessed by a panel of leading practitioners and regulators within this field.
  • Regulating Remuneration – The Way Ahead?
    In April 2009 the European Commission presented two new recommendations on remuneration regimes in the Member States, and further regulation within this field is due to follow. These recommendations take the case for regulating remuneration of key staff in listed companies and financial institutions a major leap forward, requiring regulation of not only disclosure and decision processes but also the structure and substance of remuneration. This raises some fundamental issues that will be examined at the conference: To what extent should remuneration be subject to regulation or left to companies to decide on for themselves? What aspects of remuneration matters should be dealt with if regulation is considered necessary?
  • Government in Corporate Governance
    The financial crisis has forced governments to rescue companies that are considered too systemic important or too large to fail, leading to governments taking equity positions, providing guarantees and loans, replacing boards and imposing restrictions on executive remuneration. Such state intervention has been largely uncoordinated within the European Union, carried out primarily by the individual Member States. Some topics in this context that will be highlighted at the conference: Have Member States become guilty of privatizing profits and nationalizing losses? To what extent and how should governments get involved in the corporate governance of these institutions? What are the implications for European competition policy?

Further information on the Conference, a detailed programme including speakers, panelists etc, will be posted on this website as soon as possible.

As the Conference coincides with other important events and the Nobel Prize week in Stockholm, early booking of accommodation is recommended.

Instituto Português de Corporate Governance

Associação de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos


Instituto Português de Corporate Governance



Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco

Amoreiras Torre 2, 14.º E

1070-102 Lisboa


Tel.: (+351) 21 317 40 09

Fax: (+351) 21 936 28 23

Outros Contactos: Formulário Online

Skype: ipcg.portugal

Período de Funcionamento


09h00 - 13h00

14h00 - 18h00


Fins-de-semana e feriados