
Invitation to the TCGD Conference on 9th September 2008





A free all-day conference organised by the European Corporate Governance Institute, the Brookings Institution and Columbia Law School


You are invited to view the programme and register for the
2008 Transatlantic Corporate Governance Dialogue conference



Charlie McCreevy, European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services and an SEC Commissioner will make keynote speeches. The conference programme also features two sessions of briefings that will re-examine the role of corporate governance in financial systems in the light of current developments and review the policy responses to the current crisis.  To conclude the event, a panel will discuss regulatory inconsistencies and tensions between Europe and the United States and whether a common approach across the Atlantic is now desirable or achievable.

Other speakers include: Charles Calomiris, Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, Jörgen Holmquist, Director General for "Internal Market and Services", European Commission, Ronald Gilson, Marc & Eva Stern Professor of Law and Business,  Columbia Law School,  Gérard Hertig,  Professor of Law and Economics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Ross Levine, James and Merryl Tisch Professor of Economics, Brown University, Colin Mayer, Peter Moores Dean and Professor of Management Studies, Said Business School, University of Oxford, Geoffrey Miller, Stuyvesant P. Comfort Professor of Law, New York University School of Law, Ethiopis Tafara, SEC Director of the Office of International Affairs, Paolo Volpin,  Assistant Professor of Finance, Institute of Finance and Accounting, London Business School and Eddy Wymeersch, Chairman, Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR)

The Transatlantic Corporate Governance Dialogue was established in 2004 in order to bring together leading academics from law, economics and finance, regulators, judges, lawmakers, corporate leaders, investors, and other corporate constituencies to engage in forward-looking discussions of corporate governance issues that are or will be at the forefront of policymaking on both sides of the Atlantic. The Dialogue is endorsed by the European Commission. Transcripts of speeches and other remarks at past Dialogues are available at:


The organisers are grateful for support for the 2008

Conference from the European Commission



The European Institute of Public Administration is organising its third seminar on 'Corporate Govern

The European Institute of Public Administration is organising its third seminar on 'Corporate Governance from an EU Standpoint' to be held in Maastricht on 9-10 October2008. Please find attached the information package. For online registration click here



Corporate Governance from an EU Standpoint

European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)

Maastricht (NL), 9 and 10 October 2008



EBRD/CEPR/ECGI Discussion Forum at 12.00 on Wednesday, 18th March at the EBRD

cepr Institucional
Bank governance - before, during and after the crisis
ebrd Institucional

Discussion forum at the
European Bank of Reconstruction and Development
Wednesday, 18th March at 12.00

A one-hour discussion forum, co-hosted by the CEPR, open to ECGI members and invited guests only, to be held on the occasion of the ECGI's Board Meeting in London at the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development on Wednesday, 18th March 2009 at 12.00

Programme  | Registration | Directions

12.00-1300Opening remarksAlan Morrison
 Professor Alan Morrison
Professor of Finance, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
 Professor Marco Becht
Professor of Finance and Economics, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), CEPR, and ECGI Executive Director
Antonio Borges
Chairman of the Hedge Fund Standards Board and ECGI Chairman
Professor Marco BechtAntonio Borges
 Leo Goldschmidt
Honorary Managing Partner, Bank Degroof and ECGI Board Member
Professor Alan Morrison
Professor of Finance, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Leo GoldschmidtAlan Morrison
 Erik Berglof
Chief Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, CEPR, and ECGI Board Member
Professor Richard Portes
Professor of Economics, London Business School and Founder and President, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
Erik BerglofRichard Portes

Invitation to the TCGD Conference on 17th September 2009



The New Role of Government
Corporate Governance

Thursday, 17th September 2009
Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington DC

A free all-day conference organised by the European Corporate Governance Institute, the Brookings Institution and Columbia Law School.
The organisers are grateful for support for the 2009 Conference from the Securities and Exchange Commission, the European Commission and the Swedish EU Presidency.

Programme | Conference registration | Directions | Background to the Dialogue

Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Jörgen Holmquist, Director General for "Internal Market and Services" at the European Commission, will make keynote speeches. The conference programme also features a briefing session followed by panel discussion on the role of Government as investor in Europe and the United States now that the financial crisis has caused the US and EU member states to become the owners, or substantial equity holders, of a number of large financial and industrial companies. A second briefing and discussion will examine the issue of Executive compensation, how should it be reformed and whether there is a a role for government to be the monitor. To conclude the conference, a panel will discuss the Future of the Government Involvement, for instance looking at whether new laws are needed to allow governments to intervene more rapidly in the restructuring of systemically important enterprises and what safeguards might be required for shareholders when governments do intervene.

Other confirmed speakers at the Conference which will be chaired byProfessor Ronald Gilson, Marc & Eva Stern Professor of Law and Business, Columbia Law School and Charles J. Meyers Professor of Law and Business, Stanford Law School include: Professor Lucian Bebchuk, Professor of Law, Economics, and Finance, Harvard Law School; Professor Marco Becht, Professor of Finance and Economics, Université Libre de Bruxelles; Antonio Borges, Chairman, European Corporate Governance Institute; Professor Charles Calomiris, Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University; Kemal Dervis, Vice President and Director, Global Economy and Development, The Brookings Institution; Professor Jeffrey Gordon, Alfred W. Bressler Professor of Law, Columbia Law School; Professor Gérard Hertig, Professor of Law and Economics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; Professor Steve Kaplan, Neubauer Family Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business; Ethiopis Tafara, Director of the Office of International Affairs, United States Securities and Exchange Commission; Maria-Cristina Ungureanu, Researcher, University of Genoa and Professor Jaap Winter, Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

The Transatlantic Corporate Governance Dialogue was established in 2004 in order to bring together leading academics from law, economics and finance, regulators, judges, lawmakers, corporate leaders, investors, andother corporate constituencies to engage in forward-looking discussions of corporate governance issues that are or will be at the forefront of policymaking on both sides of the Atlantic. The Dialogue is endorsed by the European Commission. Transcripts of speeches and other remarks at past Dialogues are available at:

Indíce do Fórum

Índice do Fórum

Fórum CGOV 

cGovConsulte o Fórum CGOV. Pode partilhar aqui o seu comentário, ou o seu artigo em ficheiro pdf, a todo o tempo, sobre qualquer assunto de corporate governance.

Fóruns temáticos 

cGovCódigo de Governo das Sociedades do IPCG

O Código de Governo das Sociedades do IPCG é, em primeira instância, um instrumento de promoção de boas práticas de governo societário e traduz o apelo que nesse sentido lhe foi formulado pelas empresas nacionais e por uma vasta comunidade de interessados nas matérias de corporate governance. Deste modo, o Instituto disponibiliza a todas as sociedades uma alternativa ao Código da CMVM, sendo que os seus destinatários naturais são as sociedades abertas, particularmente as emitentes admitidas à negociação em mercado regulamentado. Fundado na regra do "comply or explain", o Código pretende assegurar uma mais fácil adequabilidade das sociedades ao seu articulado e cumprir o difícil objectivo de o tornar adaptável às realidades muito heterogéneas das sociedades suas destinatárias.

Para o seu acompanhamento, o IPCG compromete-se a criar as estruturas necessárias e adequadas e a proceder à análise da sua aplicação e, numa base regular, à reapreciação do seu conteúdo.

cGovApresentação Pública do Projecto de Código de Governo das Sociedades, 29 de Maio de 2012

“O Código de Governo das Sociedades do Instituto Português de Corporate Governance (IPCG) pretende constituir, antes de mais, um instrumento de promoção de boas práticas de governo societário, correspondendo ao apelo de empresas nacionais e de uma vasta comunidade de interessados nas matérias de corporate governance.”.

Concluída a tarefa de elaboração do Projecto Código de Governo das Sociedades, cometida a uma Comissão presidida pelo Professor João Calvão da Silva, vai dar-se, agora, início à fase de discussão pública do seu articulado. Nestes termos e para que este debate seja frutuoso, realizou-se no dia 29 de Maio, no Auditório Victoria, a sessão de apresentação, pelos seus autores, do referido Projecto.

Para conhecimento do respectivo teor, reproduz-se em anexo a sua versão completa, disponibilizando-se igualmente, o espaço para colocar as suas sugestões, comentários e críticas.

cGovA Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) submeteu a consulta pública um anteprojecto de alteração ao artigo 182º-A do Código dos Valores Mobiliários com o objectivo de rever as regras relativas a restrições à transmissão de acções e ao exercício do direito de voto nas sociedades abertas.

Pode consultar a posição do Instituto quanto à matéria objecto da Consulta e acrescentar o seu comentário na respectiva área do Fórum.(+)


cGovNa sequência da Conferência «Corporate Governance e o Sector Empresarial do Estado: Critérios Políticos na Nomeação de Gestores?», realizada a 7 de Novembro de 2007, coloca-se à discussão o documento  do Instituto que abrange um conjunto de recomendações à nomeação de gestores públicos.

Pode consultar o documento e acrescentar o seu comentário na respectiva página do Fórum.(+)

Successful launch of INSEAD International Directors Programme


Successful launch of INSEAD International Directors Programme

Developing Effective Directors for a Global Context

Today’s supervisory boards have to contend with a host of new pressures, challenges and risks. Held ever more accountable for their organisation’s performance and vitality, they must also set its strategic direction, often across diverse product markets and geographies, while evaluating the performance of the CEO and senior executives, as well as monitoring the firm’s risk profile.

In discharging these complex duties, directors must master a huge volume of information in a very limited timeframe. And it is not unusual for seasoned directors to serve on multiple boards and committees, each with its own set of regulatory and oversight challenges.

The INSEAD International Directors Programme is a unique educational experience that aims to develop more effective directors. Set within an international context, the programme is aimed at current directors who bring specific competences and credibility to the boards on which they serve and at senior executives and professionals preparing themselves for a board mandate and whose contributions will enhance the programme’s learning environment.

Key Benefits

  • Understand the broader context in which boards operate and the responsibilities that come with a board mandate
  • Provide an overview of the knowledge and competences expected from directors in today’s environment
  • Develop skills that contribute to the creation of an effective board culture and performance
  • Hone the ability to challenge executives through positive exchanges focused on the key issues that underpin corporate performance

Participants who successfully complete the three International Directors Programme modules may apply for the INSEAD Certificate in Corporate Governance, enabling participants to receive a recognised credential in the field of governance from one of the world's most diverse and thought-leading global business schools.

The INSEAD Corporate Governance Initiative, launched in 2010, undertakes cutting-edge research and teaching tailored to the needs of boards.Find out more.

Veja também mais informação aqui (+).

Conheça o convite dirigido aos Associados do Instituto Português de Corporate Governance (+).

Programme Partners

INSEAD,PWC,International Directors Programme


INSEAD,Russell Reynolds Associates, International Directors Programme



INSEAD, Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs, International Directors Programme

CMVM divulga Regulamento n.º 4/2013 sobre o Governo das Sociedades Cotadas

A CMVM acaba de divulgar o Regulamento n.º 4/2013 que enquadra os termos em que as sociedades emitentes devem elaborar o relatório anual sobre a estrutura e as práticas do governo societário. Não obstante a entrada em vigor deste dispositivo estar fixada em 1 de Janeiro de 2014, admite-se no preâmbulo do documento “ a possibilidade (rectius, o dever) de, ainda no decurso de 2013, as sociedades conformarem as suas práticas de governo com as recomendações decorrentes de qualquer Código de Governo”.(+)

Pág. 2 de 2

Instituto Português de Corporate Governance

Associação de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos


Instituto Português de Corporate Governance



Edifício Victoria

Av. da Liberdade, n.º 196, 6º andar

1250-147 Lisboa



Tel.: (+351) 21 317 40 09

Fax: (+351) 21 936 28 23

Outros Contactos: Formulário Online

Skype: ipcg.portugal

Período de Funcionamento


09h00 - 13h00

14h00 - 18h00


Fins-de-semana e feriados