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EBRD/CEPR/ECGI Discussion Forum at 12.00 on Wednesday, 18th March at the EBRD

cepr EBRD/CEPR/ECGI Discussion Forum at 12.00 on Wednesday, 18th March at the EBRD
Bank governance - before, during and after the crisis
ebrd EBRD/CEPR/ECGI Discussion Forum at 12.00 on Wednesday, 18th March at the EBRD

Discussion forum at the
European Bank of Reconstruction and Development
Wednesday, 18th March at 12.00

A one-hour discussion forum, co-hosted by the CEPR, open to ECGI members and invited guests only, to be held on the occasion of the ECGI's Board Meeting in London at the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development on Wednesday, 18th March 2009 at 12.00

Programme  | Registration | Directions

12.00-1300Opening remarksAlan Morrison
 Professor Alan Morrison
Professor of Finance, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
 Professor Marco Becht
Professor of Finance and Economics, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), CEPR, and ECGI Executive Director
Antonio Borges
Chairman of the Hedge Fund Standards Board and ECGI Chairman
Professor Marco BechtAntonio Borges
 Leo Goldschmidt
Honorary Managing Partner, Bank Degroof and ECGI Board Member
Professor Alan Morrison
Professor of Finance, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Leo GoldschmidtAlan Morrison
 Erik Berglof
Chief Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, CEPR, and ECGI Board Member
Professor Richard Portes
Professor of Economics, London Business School and Founder and President, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
Erik BerglofRichard Portes

Instituto Português de Corporate Governance

Associação de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos


Instituto Português de Corporate Governance



Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco

Amoreiras Torre 2, 14.º E

1070-102 Lisboa


Tel.: (+351) 21 317 40 09

Fax: (+351) 21 936 28 23

Outros Contactos: Formulário Online

Skype: ipcg.portugal

Período de Funcionamento


09h00 - 13h00

14h00 - 18h00


Fins-de-semana e feriados