Regulamento de Quotização

Invitation to the TCGD Conference on 9th September 2008





A free all-day conference organised by the European Corporate Governance Institute, the Brookings Institution and Columbia Law School


You are invited to view the programme and register for the
2008 Transatlantic Corporate Governance Dialogue conference



Charlie McCreevy, European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services and an SEC Commissioner will make keynote speeches. The conference programme also features two sessions of briefings that will re-examine the role of corporate governance in financial systems in the light of current developments and review the policy responses to the current crisis.  To conclude the event, a panel will discuss regulatory inconsistencies and tensions between Europe and the United States and whether a common approach across the Atlantic is now desirable or achievable.

Other speakers include: Charles Calomiris, Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, Jörgen Holmquist, Director General for "Internal Market and Services", European Commission, Ronald Gilson, Marc & Eva Stern Professor of Law and Business,  Columbia Law School,  Gérard Hertig,  Professor of Law and Economics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Ross Levine, James and Merryl Tisch Professor of Economics, Brown University, Colin Mayer, Peter Moores Dean and Professor of Management Studies, Said Business School, University of Oxford, Geoffrey Miller, Stuyvesant P. Comfort Professor of Law, New York University School of Law, Ethiopis Tafara, SEC Director of the Office of International Affairs, Paolo Volpin,  Assistant Professor of Finance, Institute of Finance and Accounting, London Business School and Eddy Wymeersch, Chairman, Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR)

The Transatlantic Corporate Governance Dialogue was established in 2004 in order to bring together leading academics from law, economics and finance, regulators, judges, lawmakers, corporate leaders, investors, and other corporate constituencies to engage in forward-looking discussions of corporate governance issues that are or will be at the forefront of policymaking on both sides of the Atlantic. The Dialogue is endorsed by the European Commission. Transcripts of speeches and other remarks at past Dialogues are available at:


The organisers are grateful for support for the 2008

Conference from the European Commission



Instituto Português de Corporate Governance

Associação de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos


Instituto Português de Corporate Governance



Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco

Amoreiras Torre 2, 14.º E

1070-102 Lisboa


Tel.: (+351) 21 317 40 09

Fax: (+351) 21 936 28 23

Outros Contactos: Formulário Online

Skype: ipcg.portugal

Período de Funcionamento


09h00 - 13h00

14h00 - 18h00


Fins-de-semana e feriados